Parent Handbook

We are delighted to welcome you and your child to our School in the Hills community.

This handbook provides families important information about our school, its philosophies, and policies and procedures. We encourage you to read through it carefully to familiarize yourself with our approach to education and our expectations and shared responsibilities with our students and families.

First Day of School

Welcome to the academic year!

Meal Program

Our snacks and lunches are freshly prepared daily by our on-staff chef.

Extracurricular Programs

Learning extends beyond the classroom walls.

Garden to Table

Authentic Montessori on the menu.


The development of human potential.
The Montessorian

Latest Articles

School in the Hills
April 2, 2024
The Benefits of Montessori Mixed-Aged Classrooms
Montessori education is well-known for its unique approach to age groupings within a classroom, referred to as the three-year cycle....
March 18, 2024
Phonemic Awareness, reading the School in the Hills way.
At School in the Hills, we take a comprehensive and individualized approach to teaching reading, recognizing that each child learns...
January 23, 2024
The Four C’s of Montessori
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School in the Hills’ Spiral Curriculum, An Educational Approach for Life.
The spiral curriculum is an educational approach that emphasizes revisiting and building upon previously learned concepts and skills over time.
School in the Hills
January 23, 2024
It’s your child’s first day at School in the Hills. Don’t panic. 
Dropping off your child on their first day at School in the Hills can be exciting and nerve-wracking.
January 23, 2024
Why your Kindergartener deserves to stay in Montessori.
For many families, the transition from Montessori to public school seems definitive.