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Parent Handbook

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Our Commitment

School in the Hills is an inclusive and welcoming environment for children, families, and employees of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, family makeups, religions, and abilities. We believe every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. We value diversity and recognize the unique rewards a diverse community offers to all who are a part of it.

We believe that every child has a right to a comprehensive and inclusive education. We discuss race, ethnicity, and different cultural backgrounds with children in age-appropriate ways. We often invite families to share or present about family traditions, cultures, or travel to the class. We teach history, with a focus on facts and representing the perspectives of different groups of people when learning about historical events. We discuss current events, including discrimination, in age-appropriate ways. Children are exposed to different cultures from around the world in an inclusive way to spark their imagination and promote understanding, respect, and cooperation. Particularly for Elementary students, children are in a phase when they are naturally concerned about fairness, rules, and justice, so these topics often come up in the context of fairness and equity. The ultimate goal is for every child in the environment, regardless of their racial, ethnic, or other identities, to feel valued, represented, seen, heard, supported, and comfortable in their classroom community.

Our Campuses

One Great School. Two Locations.

The Montessorian

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Schedule a School Tour

If you are interested in learning more about Montessori education and our school, schedule a tour today and find out why our students do not want to leave school at the end of the day.